Bad actors are finding new ways to thwart identity tracking through common names, sir names, shared identities, etc. and the ability for people to weed through and ultimately weed out these bad actors is limited by human capacity. With massive amounts of unreconciled case-based data, match candidate lists have become limited based on human workload. With only people reviewing different data streams, we are losing ground and intermodal data correlations are missed. i2Verify takes the human error out of identity resolution.
i2Verify is modular, scalable, cloud-based holistic identity reconciliation solutions for data consolidation and risk assessment. It is a holistic identity resolution service that automatically correlates the results of independent matchers into a consolidated, risk-prioritized candidate list. This solution can de-duplicate cases into a Person Centric database and warn adjudicators of data mismatches/fraud.

- Resolves multimodal biometric and biographic information to establish a trusted and complete version of an identity
- Purpose Built AI for Entity Resolution
- Real-time operations
- Minimal data preparation
- Built-In Privacy by Design (PbD)
- Nonobvious relationship awareness
- Compensates for inconsistent and/or unreliable underlying data
- Integrates public records, proprietary databases, social media, etc.