National Security Solutions – an IDEMIA company


Defense in Depth: End-to-End Access Solutions for Installations around the world





ID2Access is an innovative, frictionless, end-to-end, secure access solution for visitor enrollment, entry, and exit. It leverages IDEMIA’s best-in-class identity technologies, which have a long and successful history in national systems and operational deployments throughout the Federal government, numerous state and local agencies, and 180 countries across the globe. It will expedite access for residents, employees, contractors, and visitors through a streamlined system that protects personnel and assets appropriately, while enabling flexibility of movement on and off the installation.

ID2Access enables the transition from high-touch force protection processes to high-tech threat migration capabilities by increasing the safety of force protection personnel, improving installation situational awareness and, ultimately, providing secure and frictionless access, meeting the
expectations of today’s generation.

ID2Access has numerous components and capabilities including:


Allows visitors and guests to enroll and go through the vetting process prior to arriving at the installation by using their personal phone with their driver license or passport.


All enrolled individuals (CAC/PIV holders, contractors, and visitors) can utilize ID2Access lanes to quickly travel through the lane with minimal guard intervention.


Using IDEMIA's video platform to detect individuals and license plates, the solution provides capabilities to monitor sensitive sites and movement of identities across the installation.


Grant or deny access to a facility using an innovative approach with a centralized, connected matching system, complementing IDEMIA's multi-factored approach using CAC/PIV and biometrics.

All components and capabilities allow for cloud-based data analytics, including video streaming, event logs, and transactional information, to support near real-time analytics for AL-generated predictive models. Wireless syncing is a key facilitator that connects all sensors and systems to support real-time identifications to operate either connected or disconnected.

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